When Alice Little, a legal sex worker, gave Refinery29 a peek at her life in the form of a Money Diary last year, the post received more than 300 comments. People wanted to know how Little got into this line of work and what she studied in school, and they wanted to get to know her more as a person.
"I was struck by how much I felt like I could easily be friends with this girl, despite the vast differences in our careers," one reader commented.
Needless to say, it was clear that people harboured preconceptions about sex work. But they were fascinated by Little's life, and what it really means to be a "legal" sex worker in the United States. There are many types of sex work, but prostitution, specifically, is illegal in most of the US. This isn't the case in Nevada, however, where prostitution was legalised in 1971 (albeit with restrictions).
Currently, prostitution is regulated in registered brothels in smaller counties in the state — meaning, cities like Las Vegas and Reno are excluded. One such registered brothel is the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, made famous by the HBO series Cathouse. This is where Little works, and it's where she was working last year when she chronicled her life for Refinery29. At the time, she was earning upwards of $10,000 (£7,000) per week, reading the book Sex At Dawn, and dealing with an emergency appendectomy — without health insurance.
It's been a year since then, and people are still asking us about Little. So, we caught up with her to hear more about her life, and what she's been up to.
*This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
What's happened since the Money Diary was published last year?
"My appendix finally, finally healed up. It ended up putting me out of work for two months, and I was finally cleared by my doctors to work again. So, when I was finally able to come back to work, I had all those rescheduled appointments, so everything had a waterfall effect. It was the busiest month I'd ever had — and the most successful month I’ve ever had. I was not only the highest booking lady, I was also the most requested lady at the Ranch.
"I’ve also switched to just doing appointments only, so I can focus a little bit more on my appointments and spending time with those individuals, rather than having to worry about line up, which has been incredible."
What has your career path been like?
"I’ve done a lot of different jobs over the years, everything from being an EMT to a massage therapist — generally very customer-focused jobs.
"Before [the Bunny Ranch], I was a national sex educator, presenting across the country at different BDSM events. My interested in [BDSM] started pretty much with my first relationship. I tried to tie one of my partners up without really knowing what I was doing, realised I didn’t have a single clue, and so I started the education process from there. First, it was watching videos online, then practicing on myself, learning all the intricate knots and the different techniques, and learning about consent culture that comes along with BDSM. Consent, as you can imagine, is super, super important when it comes to those activities. You have to make sure everyone really knows what they’re buying into."
How did you hear about Bunny Ranch?
"One of my friends through one of those events had started to work at Bunny Ranch. At first, I was a little bit skeptical. I kept asking, 'Hey are you happy? Are you exploited in any way?' But she said, 'No, this is incredible, you have to come check it out.' And it had always been something in the back of my mind. I had watched the HBO show and actually had a huge admiration for Airforce Amy. She just came off as this incredibly confident woman and was quite unapologetic about owning her sexuality.
"So, I started in the winter of 2015 with the intention of seeing if it would be a good fit. And I found it to be the most incredible job. It allowed me to not just interact with people, but to generally help them when it came to sex and relationships and intimacy.
"I’ve been at Bunny Ranch for two years now, and I’ve consistently been considered the top booker. It’s my mission to make connections with people and better their sex lives and their relationships — it’s what consumes me. What can I learn, what more can I do for my clients, how can I better connect with them? What’s the newest thing? For example, when it comes to sex toys, I recently paired up with the Alexander Institute just so I could have a higher quality sex toy conversation with my clients."
Tell me about your first "party."
"I was so super nervous, having never been in that environment before. The bell rings for the first time and they call for the lineup, which is where all the available ladies line up in the parlour and introduce ourselves by name. After we introduce ourselves, the clients have the opportunity to pick a lady, go on a tour, and go back to our rooms. So, it was my very first day, and my very first lineup, and I end up getting picked, which I was not expecting. Thankfully, all the new women are paired with a more experienced lady to act as a big sister, and we proceeded with the negotiation and it was easier than I expected it to be.
"I took to it fish-to-water style, and I was like, Oh, I like this; oh, I really like this. This is kind of incredible; I’m really loving the connection that I’m making with people. From there, I of course had sex with a stranger for the first time in my life, and it wasn’t awkward. It was actually enjoyable. The guy ended up becoming a regular, and I saw him for a couple of months and we would joke about it — you caught me my first time; how funny, I was so nervous about it.
"When I first started, I really wasn’t familiar with what men want. That’s your opportunity to really have a conversation about what they want. By the way, I really hate the word negotiation. I always prefer to call it a conversation, because it’s not just an opportunity for us to get to know each other and talk to each other about what we want to do, but it’s our opportunity as well to figure out what it was that they’re trying to accomplish by being here. At first, I thought it was just about sex. I thought they would want to just come in, get in, get off, get out, and be done with it. But that’s not the reality at all. A lot of people are coming in here for companionship. They want to get to know me and not just see me as a sexual object. They want to go out to breakfast and ask about my life and ask about my opinions on a variety of topics."
Are there some people who are looking to "get in, get off, get out," as you put it?
"There are! There is definitely still a desire for that and I still have clients that enjoy that sort of scenario, but I have noticed more of a trend for dates and overnights, which are the experiences I look forward to the most. It’s the opportunity to get to know someone not just in the bedroom but outside the bedroom, too.
"So, what I was talking about in my negotiations started to change. At the beginning, it may have been, 'Oh, what kind of positions are you interested in?' And it started to turn into, 'What kind of hobbies do you have? What have you always wanted to do, but have never been able to experience?' And through that language shift, I started to attract different men, and not just men. I started to see women and couples. I found that, through those conversations, I was ending up more financially successful, too."
What did you learn about negotiating that other people in other fields can learn from?
"I think the biggest mistake that people make during negotiations is that they treat it as a me vs. them scenario. In reality, we’re trying to find something that works for the both of us. When you take that combative element out of negotiation, and you take that pressure away, you end up having a more successful conversation and everyone walks away with it not just happier but feeling better about what they’ve done."
Can you describe what your typical client experience is like?
"Once someone sets up an appointment with me, it allows me to figure out what we want to do together and put together an amazing experience for someone. For example, I just had a client who is vegan, so I was able to get us reservations at a wonderful vegan restaurant; we had an amazing, amazing time, and afterwards we ended up going to the arcade at Circus, Circus to just hang out and have fun and just enjoy each other. They mentioned afterward that they had never been to an arcade with a girl before, and it was probably their favourite date ever. They’ve gotten to travel the world, seen plays, and yet they cite a simple arcade as one of their favourite dates. It’s kind of amazing."
How did you come up with that idea?
"I asked myself, 'What’s a good activity that two people can do together?' rather than an activity that two people can, say, watch together. I always advise against [dates] where you don’t get to talk to the other person during it. So, for example, a very common first date people think of is let’s go to the movies. The problem is that you’re watching a movie; you’re not getting to know the other person. And the only thing you talk about is this superficial thing you just watched — the movie — and you totally skip over the real conversations that matter.
"So, I tend to gravitate towards experiential-type dates: things like sledding, or horseback-riding, things that are more than just looking at what’s on a screen."
It sounds like what you’re offering is more like a girlfriend experience.
"Absolutely. It’s not just about sex — it’s everything but the sex. The sex is assumed; you know the sex is going to happen, so why put a focus on something that is already given? Instead, let’s put a focus on everything but the sex: who we are, how can we connect, what do we have in common. I think that’s what makes me a little bit different from the other ladies, and by proxy what makes me more successful."
Can you talk about what you typically charge for a date?
"Due to how Nevada brothel law works, they have to have differentiators from 'illegal' type of sex work. One of those differentiators is the ability to quote prices. Nevada law is written in such a way that the only place we can talk specifics when it comes to time, activity, and cost is at the ranch. So, what people will do is they’ll set up appointments in advance and they’ll say, 'Hey, I want to see you this day, this is kind of what I want to do.' And I’ll have them put down 10% of their expected budget, so this way I have an idea of what they’re thinking. From there, I can figure out, Okay, these are what our possibilities look like within that range.
"I can say the combination of time plus activity tends to be the easiest formula, but I always work with the individual. For example, I offer discounts for those who are public servants — anyone who is a police officer, a retired service member, an EMT, a doctor, or a nurse. I’ve worked as an EMT myself, so I really value the good that they do in society, and it’s my way of being able to give back. So, a lot of it is circumstantial.
"Keeping in mind that we’re not legally able to quote prices in any capacity, the only thing I can say is that experiences range anywhere from four figures up, depending on how long we spend together."
So the industry is very regulated.
"It’s incredibly regulated. In order to work at the ranch we have to visit the doctor every single week, and once a year we have to obtain what is literally a prostitution card from the Sheriff’s Office. We have to go complete a background check and a fingerprint check to receive a card that allows us to work that next year. The cost varies by county, and it changes so often, but it’s reasonable — it’s usually in the three figures, $100 or $200.
"I’m perfectly okay with the fact that the house takes 50% because that 50% is paying the bartenders, the cashiers, the door people, the maids, the PR team, and it’s an infrastructure. I’m very, very comfortable with that. I feel like I’m getting my money’s worth — I have a safe, legal place to work, and I have warm food and fresh meals prepared. It’s very, very nice. There is a lot of justification for that particular expense."
What would you say is the most difficult part of the job?
"People don’t understand how much stigma there really is around what I do for a living. It’s everything from going to get my hair or my nails done, someone asking me where I work and refusing me service. For example, with my appendicitis, I found out that I had gone to the hospital two years ago, I had appendicitis, but the doctor would not acknowledge my pain. He was convinced that it was an ovarian cyst or something, because of what I do for a living. So, I had to live with appendicitis for the past two years, without realising it, ignoring all the little mini flare ups, and thank goodness I was able to catch it before the appendix ruptured. Because of stigma, I could have potentially died, because the doctor was unwilling to acknowledge the fact that I could possibly have something seriously wrong.
"Stigma factors into where I live, in the sense that I want to make sure that my neighbours won’t take issue with it, or my landlord not recognising it as a valid career and not wanting to give me a place to live, simply based off the job. It’s having to change my bank account. I recently discovered that my money is not safe in a national bank. I cannot bank through a national bank and have my money be secure, because it’s not a nationally recognised profession; they could freeze my account at any moment. So, I had to switch to a credit union instead. And of course having to switch banks is going to affect where I’m able to get loans from.
"So, it’s a lot of those things that make it incredibly complex. It’s not the job that makes it hard. It’s the stigma. It hurts to be devalued, and have what you’re so passionate about be treated as this awful and terrible thing."
You mentioned in the comments section of your Money Diary that you have several different degrees, and you want to pursue even more. What’s your plan for the future?
"In five or 10 years, I want to develop a more tangible form of sex education for America — complete sex education, not just abstinence. I want to provide what everyone is missing. In high school, no one talks about anything other than, Okay, boys have these body parts, girls have these body parts. I want to be that person who is able to provide education, so I really see myself moving into an education advocacy role, and you’ll probably see that in the form of YouTube videos, podcasts, books, tangible tools that people can use to educate themselves.
"Additionally, I really see myself being a voice and advocate for legalized sex work. What we have here in Nevada works. Why don’t we take the Nevada model and translate that to California, and Utah, and Ohio, and bring it to us as a nation?
"I have several different degrees, and I’m pursuing additional continued education. I plan to re-enrol in classes this spring. Right now, I have degrees in psychology, sociology, physiology, and anatomy; this year, my big goal is to pursue a human sexuality degree. They’re all associates and bachelor degrees for now, and eventually my goal is to marry them all together and essentially make my own doctoral program that would allow me to be a doctorate specifically of sex work. That’s truly what I’m most interested in: How does sex work positively affect the economy, the lives of the women who work there, the lives of the people who visit these ranches? How does it affect the national STD rate?"
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