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9 People Share How Their Saturn Return Treated Them


Even if you don't believe in astrology, I think we can all agree that entering our late 20s (and, for that matter, turning 30) looms large in our collective imagination. According to sitcoms and mainstream societal expectations, this is the time in our lives when we're supposed to stop "adulting" and start being plain old adults. The astrological significance of these ages is actually pretty similar, albeit in very different terms.

Between your 27th and 30th birthday, Saturn completes its orbit around the sun and returns to the exact point it was when you were born. In a highly creative turn of events, this astrological occurrence is known as your Saturn return. (If you haven't hit your late 20s yet, this site will calculate your Saturn return for you.)

Because Saturn is associated with discipline, hard work, and sacrifice, its return is sort of like the moment when a stern schoolteacher walks back into a chaotic classroom if that moment lasted roughly three years. This planet is here to whip you into shape, throwing career challenges, relationship upheavals, and other structural changes in your path. And yes, you'll feel its effects for years. Anything that has to do with your long-term success and longevity is fair game to Saturn — from your natal placement, it will call upon you to reevaluate the systems that govern your life in order to either improve upon them or shed them and start from scratch.

As you might have guessed, Saturn returns can be difficult (and, since they occur with Saturn's orbit, you can look forward to another one around your 60th birthday, too). But, they aren't without their benefits. A breakup might lead to you finding yourself. A layoff might prompt a career path epiphany. Whatever the silver lining is, just know that it will exist. Saturn is a tough teacher, but it won't leave you completely high and dry.

To get a better idea of what Saturn returns really look like (and how much they differ from person to person), we looked to the astro community on Reddit and asked R29 readers to share their stories.

"My company downsized, [I] lost my job, got divorced, [and] started studying astrology. Realised the astrological timing in hindsight. All the life events were good from the rearview mirror. I broadened my knowledge base, widened my professional talents, moved on to more productive relationships, etc., but it didn't feel good in the moment it was happening. Saturn return takes things away that have outgrown their usefulness and brings things that will have more longevity."

-Kaz, 45

"I found mine to be incredibly rewarding. The things I had really worked hard [for] finally got some traction. I met the person I would marry and finished my college degree, entering graduate school which I loved. I do find that if you really do your homework and show up for class, Saturn can be quite rewarding in his grading."

-Reddit user aries_female

"Literally everything just went nuts. Those years were the biggest turning points for me. I moved into my own apartment at 28 and went full time at a freelance job and reconnected with someone I had dated the summer prior while also officially letting go of an ex. That all happened within two weeks. Then on my 29th birthday I was living my best life. My birthday is in January, so new year new age! It was great, I'm now officially with the guy I had reconnected with, living on my own. Great stuff.

"Then three weeks later I was on a ski trip with my boyfriend's family and was in a snowboarding lesson. I fell down and broke my elbow... Then the week I came back, I was staying with my boyfriend since it was close to my doctor and work. That Friday there was a fire in my apartment building. I remember there was going to be a snow storm in NYC and they were shutting down the subways, so my boyfriend and I decided we would stay in my apartment, which was in Bay Ridge. But I walked in and everything had been flooded from the fire department putting out the fire. My entire apartment smelled like BBQ sauce. I had to pack up a bag with one arm and GTFO before the subway shut down. Then a week later I was moving out and moving in with my boyfriend in his place in the East Village. I went and saw a shaman shortly after that because I was like, "WTF is happening?" She told me about Saturn return and how it just sets things ablaze to make space for all that's to come. That was three years ago and I am still in the East Village and now engaged to my boyfriend. Everything happens for a reason, but damn."

-Lorenna, 32

"Everything I thought was important fell apart. My boyfriend 'stole the farm at gunpoint.' My friends turned their back on me. I felt alone, and as if everything I was doing was going wrong. Over and over my projects fell apart. Nothing worked. I felt like I was going crazy. I stopped talking with people and making new friends. I moved from rural Washington to San Francisco. I realised that my life's goal was what I wanted to do when I grew up. I knew I was going to be doing this my whole life, but I forgot. LOL, everything collapsed and I learned and grew and learned and grew and holy shit, all the problems were of my own making. Saturn was blessing me by showing me myself over and over and over and every time something failed, I learned. I grew. The failures became blessings. I learned to embrace failure and fear and do what must be done. I learned that I wanted to work more than anything. I learned that I was more wise than I was allowing myself to be. At the end of it, I feel like a fucking awesome grown-up... If I had let go of what I knew I needed to let go of, it wouldn't have hurt so much."

-Reddit user erasmosis

"I think I realised it around the new year, when I had been 27 for a few months. I started dressing in a way I was more comfortable (donating any clothes I always thought I would wear but never did), cut my hair to a more manageable length, and got a few new piercings. I feel like I am settling into a more authentic and happier version of myself, and I am fully embracing any urges I am currently having (I just upgraded my car!). Don't worry — I am doing all of this in a very systematic way so I don't run myself into debt. These past few years have felt pretty up in the air and I feel like I am finally floating back down. I hope to ride this wave of exciting changes into a new career soon!"

-Shelby, 27

"Around this time period I did learn a lot. I learned some hard truths about my family and about a close relationship. I became more spiritual. I did a lot of reading, thinking, and learning... I learned to be more cautious and careful and to not be so naive. I got robbed a few times during this period because of my careless and irresponsible attitude. I was too naive which attracted a lot of vultures to me. Saturn totally taught me and made sure I got the message to hold onto what I care for or I'd lose it. I had to learn to clean up my messes and to grow up and wake up to how the real world can be."

-Account has been deleted

"My Saturn return just ended, and I feel like it wasn't that bad. I was overly emotional (in my opinion as a Sag moon), had two children and changed jobs about three times. I feel like I finally figured it all out. Challenging at times, but the lessons were appreciated."

-Reddit user ncollier

"At 27, I moved two hours away from home and my family. I quit a steady, stable government job and moved with only $3,000 and what fit in my Corolla.

"At 28, I met my husband. First relationship, first kiss, first everything. I'd been happily (for the most part) single up to that point.

"Surgically diagnosed with endometriosis at 31, which explained a lot of my health issues.

"Got engaged when I was almost 31 and married at almost 33. Moved to Chicago from Atlanta with my husband a few months after I turned 33.

"Turning 35 next month. I can definitely say my life shifted greatly between 27 and 33."

-Reddit user captainbkfire82

"When I was 28, my husband that I had been with since I was 18 left me and remarried two months after our divorce was finalised. From 28 to 30, I struggled as a newly single mom, broke and broken. Almost exactly two years after my marriage ended I went out for drinks with an old friend from high school and we've been together ever since, and got married two months ago. Those two years were the hardest in my life, but I wouldn't change them for anything, they led me to where I am today."

-Reddit user xoxmdmxox

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