This intense heatwave we've been sweating through could very well be a preview for the potentially life-changing solar eclipse this Friday, 13th July. Combined with the continued Mars retrograde (which kicked off late last month), this solar event could mean big changes for all of us. But don't let your temper get the better of you. Instead, at least try to relax, reflect and recharge when you'd rather resist the changes that are already underway. Shifts and transitions are natural, after all.
As good as it feels to release negative energy, it's more important to maintain balance, stargazers. Keep this pursuit of harmony in mind as you move through the week. The effects of Friday's solar eclipse may feel even stronger than usual, thanks to a supermoon occurring between Thursday and Friday. Remember to breathe and take any challenges in stride — and trust that you will come out on top.

June 21 to July 22
Happy continued Cancer season, Crab! We’ve got good news about the upcoming solar eclipse on Friday the 13th. It sounds scary, but did you know that Friday the 13th was originally a celebration of feminine energy? Spend this special day addressing the habits that might need adjusting (or need to go altogether) in order for you to accomplish you broader goals.
Plus, this solar eclipse will be passing through Cancer, so it’s a great idea to hit up a pool and unplug. Entering staycation mode will help you reflect without distractions. Keep an eye out for a reality check this weekend: Your recent good favour with financial decisions may have had you spending more than usual — the eclipse will gently put a pin in that.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
July 23 to August 22
This summer's eclipse energy has got you feeling some kind of way, Leo. You've been having weirder dreams than usual and even when you're awake you feel a little blurry. Friday's solar eclipse will keep your perspective and the brain fog rolling, as it's set to hit your house of spirituality.
These effects may be compounded by a possible stressful start to your week. Watch out for needless demands on your psyche this Sunday and feel free to hit pause as you see fit. If you can, take a quiet moment to consider how you can feed your soul in the coming weeks. Your relationships may need extra attention as the lunar eclipse on the 27th approaches, so make self-care a priority before then.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
August 23 to September 22
Your week may start off a little wobbly, Virgo. Tuesday and Wednesday could be especially tricky days at work, but it's nothing that you can't handle. If there's one sign that knows how to hustle when things get tense, it's yours.
This Friday's solar eclipse will affect your house of friendships, so you may notice that your buds are having a hard time keeping it all together. Offer help if you can, but take note of the source of their problems. If your keen observations reveal that some of your pals have been making their own messes (and refusing to clean them up), they might not be dependable friends to keep around for the long haul.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
September 23 to October 22
This Friday's solar eclipse has come to test your professional mettle, Libra. You'll likely be put through the ringer on Thursday and Friday, but you stand a chance at lessening the eclipse's impact by getting organised and acting as diplomatic as possible while you're at work.
Have you been chasing a promotion? Are you coming up on a work anniversary? Or have you been stuck dealing with a critical client or disorganised employee? Whatever your career circumstances are at the moment, stay cool. This Friday's eclipse could offer up a host of changes, so just go with the flow and go with grace.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
October 23 to November 21
There's something about eclipses that suits you so well, Scorpio. Maybe it's that they cause change and you don't mind a good shakeup. Or maybe it's that they're mystical and mysterious (kind of like you, Scorp). Whatever it is, it's working for you this week.
Friday's solar eclipse is going to light the way toward the career you've been seeking. So it's time to get even more detail-oriented than you already are. Make time for an inbox clean-out and CV rewrite between this Thursday and the beginning of next week. If you're a weekend warrior, you may have to give up some playtime to make necessary career moves behind the scenes.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
November 22 to December 21
Have you ever had a near-death experience, Sag? Not to get too macabre but your thoughts might take a dark turn when the solar eclipse on the 13th travels through your eighth house of death, taxes and rebirth. This celestial event is asking you to spend time with your inner self instead of telling it to hush up.
Make sure you're home long enough to open any mail you might have missed, pay any overdue bills, and tackle any chores that may have been overlooked before your last holiday. Isn't growing up fun?! Spend Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday with your partner. Or, if you're single, schedule a date to break up the week.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
December 22 to January 19
Have you been dating more than a few people lately, Capricorn? Whatever label you want to put on these relationships, the solar eclipse on Friday is going to ask you to sort out all of your romantic candidates and decide who you could see yourself with in the long term.
If you're partnered, make sure to keep your cool in any serious discussions you have this week. Letting your temper take over could make an otherwise productive conversation go sideways. This eclipse will also test your friendships, so as soon as it ends and the weekend arrives, make sure to book yourself some alone time to process these changes.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
January 20 to February 18
If you're reading this on Sunday, do one thing that will help your career today, Water Bearer. It could be something as low key as updating your LinkedIn profile or something as major as looking for a whole new gig. Consider reaching out to a friend to see if they need help at their place of work, too.
The solar eclipse on Friday will take place in your house of work and health, so it's crucial for you to be prepared for potentially stressful situations. Quiet your mind and concentrate on how you picture success. You've got this. Thursday through Saturday are ideal days to spend with your partner or blow off steam with a new friend.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
February 19 to March 20
Is this the week your holiday time kicks in, Pisces? If it is, be extra careful on Friday, when the solar eclipse will be messing with Pluto, your travel planet. If your itinerary is ironclad (or if you're staying close to home this week), you may be better off focusing on your health during the eclipse, since it will also affect your sixth house of health and work.
This is also a great week to get ahead for the rest of summer. Spend Thursday and Friday knocking out important tasks at work before Mercury starts its retrograde on the 26th.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
March 21 to April 19
Not everyone rests on Sundays, Ram, and 8th July just might see you with your nose to the grindstone. Yes, this Sunday brings with it the possibility of major prosperity for you. Use the positive energy you find that day to carry you through the (potentially) tumultuous solar eclipse on Friday.
This eclipse will affect your family matters, so if you’ve got free time to spare, spend it with your loved ones. There might be some drama that needs sorting out. Once you’ve confronted Friday's challenges head-on (in true Aries style), the weekend is yours. Spend Saturday the way you want, Ram — you've earned it.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
April 20 to May 20
Last week, we urged you to try being more flexible, Taurus, and that elastic energy will be your ace in the hole when the Friday solar eclipse rolls around. Wouldn't you like to be more adaptable in the face of the familial issues (particularly with your siblings or cousins) this solar event may dredge up? Think of the heatwave we’re experiencing as the physical representation of the tensions rising between you and your loved ones.
How will you choose to deal with any incoming conflicts, Bull? Will you bend or break? There are benefits to both: On one hand, you can learn to cooperate. On the other, you learn where your limits really lie. Remember that conflict is necessary for change. On a more positive note, Tuesday through Sunday are excellent days for dealing with money or investments.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
May 21 to June 20
Mark your calendar and clear your to-do list for the latter half of the week, Gemini. Thursday and Friday are going to be crucial days for you, financially and romantically speaking. The solar eclipse this Friday will force you to confront your spending, regardless of whether you’ve been splurging or pinching pennies.
If you’re attached and share finances with your partner, make a plan to go over your spending together. The temptation to brush off big money questions will be real, but don’t shrink away from this discussion. Selecting a strategy (no matter how simple) can change your outlook on your future and how you'll go about accomplishing your goals as a couple. Sounds scary, but clarity is always good, Twin.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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