This summer has been an absolute trip. We've made it through two eclipses and seen retrogrades begin and end. From the looks of it, August will only be a continuation of this wild ride. If you had plans to coast through this month, you might need to scrap them.
We'll all feel the effects of the solar eclipse on 11th August (even if we can't see it). Brace yourself for slowdowns and speed-ups. But we have good news, too: Namely, Mercury goes direct on the 19th. While we're all breathing a collective sigh of relief, take a moment to consider how this retrograde might have actually helped you — did you get to take a breather from your regular schedule? Did you learn to go with the flow?
We enter Virgo season on the 22nd, which always comes as a bit of a wakeup call: Time to get organised and say goodbye to summer, stargazers. Venus will trine Mars retrograde (which has drifted back into Capricorn for a spell) on 7th August. It will be a time of emotional fireworks that could go either messy or spicy. Read on for how to make the most out of August!

March 21 to April 19
We ended last month with Mars out of bounds and it will stay there for the length of August. The absence of your ruling planet might make you feel a little itchy, Ram, but try to quell your restlessness and remember that retrogrades are regular occurrences and nothing new.
Your love and money planet, Venus, has a solstice this month. Translation: She's slowing down to change direction and you should do the same. From the 5th to the 9th, she'll be pressing pause, calling on you to redirect your energy in your relationships and to assess how you think about your financial flow. The solar eclipse on 11th August will enter your fifth house of creativity. Use this energy to tap into any projects that are bouncing around in your head but have yet to become reality. You never know where they might lead. On 22nd August, the sun sashays into your house of health and work. If you're looking for a new job or want to take up yoga, take advantage of this time!
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
April 20 to May 20
The solar eclipse on 11th August will mirror the past two eclipses, in terms of how it affects you, Taurus. Think back to any noteworthy moments you had with your family last month. Did you have an especially meaningful chat with your parents? Did a relative mention wanting to spend more time with you? This third eclipse will continue to place the emphasis on your home and family, and the clues for how you can make progress in these areas may be hidden in your recent interactions.
Mercury, your money planet, goes direct on 19th August. If you're thinking of buying something "just because," wait until then to shell out. Mercury retrograde is known to prey on impulse purchases and you might end up kicking yourself if you buy something silly on a whim.
Mars, your planet of spirituality, is out of bounds all month. You may find yourself reconsidering or doubling down on your beliefs. Don't be stubborn here, Bull: This is your chance to explore your spirituality.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
May 21 to June 20
Do you feel like you're trapped in a glass case of emotion, Gemini? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you might feel that way until after the solar eclipse on the 11th. It'll occur in your third house of communication and mirror the effects of the last solar eclipse, which took place on 13th July. While eclipses are known to usher in major changes and do away with old habits, they can also enhance your preexisting abilities. After the 11th, your already impressive listening and processing skills could become razor-sharp.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, will end its retrograde and go direct on the 19th of the month, so mark your calendar now. This planet also rules your home and family life, so you'll have ample opportunity to tune into your emotional side, clean your house, find lost things or complete a project that you meant to sort out. Whether you're planning for school or your post-Labor Day goals, stay on top of your plan for September — make a list and check it twice.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
June 21 to July 22
Work has been coming first in your life for a while now, Cancer, and it's likely thanks to Mars, your career planet, which is out of bounds and (still) retrograde. You might not be sure of your path forward at the moment, but you can make progress during a Mars retrograde. It just might unfold at a painfully slow pace. Work and your ability to adjust to it will sort itself out when Mars goes direct on the 27th.
Ground yourself by turning your attention to your comfort zone of home and family. On the 22nd, Mercury ends its retrograde and moves into your third house. The third house governs your mind and intellect, so if you want to pick up a new skill or delve into a new book, here's your chance to dive deep. August 11th's solar eclipse will occur in your money house. If you've been going over budget, don't stress — the eclipse will reveal where you need to adjust. Mars will mosey back into your seventh house of relationships after 13th August. Remember to keep your cool when it comes to talking to your partner about stressful subjects. We recommend making time for spicy dates to break the tension.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
July 23 to August 22
The solar eclipse on 11th August will take place in your own sign, Leo. If the two eclipses of July didn't leave their mark, this one most definitely will: You'll be urged to take a very close look at how you want to be perceived. Don't think of this as a chore — you're going through a necessary, but cleansing, process. Instead, think of it more like smelting: Complex metals are heated to their melting temperatures, so they separate to reveal their most simple parts. Which parts of yourself do you want to do away with?
Your money matters have been front and centre since your financial planet, Mercury, started its retrograde at the end of July. Don't let it phase you. When this planet goes direct on the 19th, you feel much calmer about your cash flow. And when the sun enters your money house on the 23rd, you'll be laughing your way to the bank. Venus, your career planet, will have her summer solstice from 5th to 9th August. This little power nap will last for four days, and on the 9th she will change direction — and so might your career.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
August 23 to September 22
Are you feeling luxurious, Virgalicious? We might have some insight: Your money planet, Venus, moved into your sign on 10th July, where it will max and relax until 7th August. Expect to feel these comfy and cosy vibes to their full effect. And the fun doesn't stop there. The sun will enter your sign on the 22nd of the month, only adding to the warm and fuzzy feelings. You spend a great deal of time taking care of others, but now it's time to treat yourself, Virgo.
The solar eclipse on 11th August takes place in your 12th house of spirituality. The sun is known to rule this house, so don't be surprised if you feel the effects of this eclipse more intensely than others. Don't let all that energy scare you, though. Embrace it and go with the flow. When the sun moves into your sign on the 22nd, you'll feel more in touch with your values and spiritual side. Take a moment to consider how reconnecting to this part of yourself can improve your life overall.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
September 23 to October 22
You're so good at keeping everyone happy, Libra. Yet this month's solar eclipse will test one of your strongest areas: friendship. Kinks, quirks, or flat-out conflicts in your social circles may be brought to light, but if anyone can overcome these challenges, it's you. Your ability to see fairness in everything makes you an excellent mediator, even when you're embroiled in the drama. That said, you shouldn't let your diplomatic streak keep you from standing up for yourself if you need to.
Pluto, your financial planet, is retrograde all month long (in fact, it won't go direct until 1st October). Fear not: Lucky Jupiter is spending his time in your money house, keeping your finances moving along. After the 22nd, the sun will move into Virgo and Pluto could actually have a hand in sending some benefits your way.
Your love planet, Mars, is still retrograde this month. Plus, it's out of bounds. If you're single, you might swipe right on someone that you wouldn't usually and even take your flirtation offline into the real world. It's not out of the realm of possibility that you could link up with an ex-partner. Whatever you do, keep it light.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
October 23 to November 21
Changes, changes and more changes, Scorpio — that's what's headed your way. The solar eclipse on the 11th will rock your career path. Remember the eclipse of 13th July? Remember the positives strides you made and what challenges you came across? If things get chaotic at work, take a moment to write down what you did to get through last month's eclipse that worked (and what didn't). Use that info to make a new plan for the future. Looking back on your slip-ups might get uncomfortable, but you can handle it.
Take extra care of your body during this month, as your planet of health, Mars, is out of bounds and retrograde. Venus, your love planet, needs a little nap this month from 5th to 9th August. Her solstice might ask you to press pause on romantic affairs. As she changes course, you should, too. Of course, this doesn't mean you need to end all of your relationships — just try viewing them from a different perspective. Something new about them could be revealed.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
November 22 to December 21
August's solar eclipse on the 11th will be a bit of a rerun of 13th July's solar eclipse, but that doesn't mean it'll be a bore, Sag. It will take place in your ninth house of spirituality, so look out for opportunities to learn something new and expand your mind. For Archers who are itching for a little action, you're in luck — aside from the eclipse, you'll hardly spend this month with your nose in a book.
For one thing, you're likely to start seeing major results at work when Mercury, your career planet, goes direct on 19th August. Here's a little more icing for your cake: When the sun moves into Virgo, it will also enter your career house. Seriously, it's time to make moves. Call in favours with your network and don't pass up a chance to schmooze with the higher-ups — it's all about who you know.
If you're single, be careful about who you give your heart to before the end of Mercury's retrograde. Love is not a race, Sag. If it's real, they'll still be around after the 19th.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
December 22 to January 19
The eclipse on the 11th could be a real game-changer, Capricorn. It's set to pass through your eighth house of regeneration, so you may feel like you suddenly have everything figured out. But don't spend this celestial event kicking back. Instead, use it to explore your life goals and examine how you'd like to impact the world.
Uranus, your financial planet, will go retrograde on the 7th of the month and will stay that way until 6th January 2019. This movement won't stop you from earning altogether, but you may feel stunted in the money department. One way to dodge any major mishaps during this period is to take extra care with your cash and refine your budget. Although, knowing you, you probably have that stuff down to a science.
Your career planet, Venus, will take her solstice from the 5th to the 9th. During this time, she will suspend her movement and change course. You'll probably feel this energy at work and should act in kind. Use your innate organisational skills to navigate these unknown waters.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
January 20 to February 18
Are you currently involved with someone, Aquarius? The solar eclipse on the 11th will pass through your house of relationships, so keep an eye out for signs that you need to touch base or even have a capital-T Talk with your partner. If something comes up, muster up as much patience as you can and express your emotions with the highest level of compassion. If you can make it through this astrological event, you'll be able to handle anything together.
While you're working to improve your career this month, your ruling planet, Uranus, will be spending some quality time in your house of home and family. Single? Circle the weekend of the 25th and 26th in your calendar now. Make a plan, pick out an outfit, and amp yourself up, since the moon will be rolling into your sign and opening up opportunities for love. If you're partnered up and going through a rough patch, these will be good days to make amends.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
February 19 to March 20
Get ready to buckle down, Pisces. The third eclipse of the year will take place in your sixth house of health and work, and it might feel like a replay of the events of July's solar eclipse. What did you do then to emerge relatively unscathed? What did you do, specifically, to support your colleagues? They might benefit from some of your signature Piscean positivity. Luckily, your career planet, Jupiter, is the best planetary cheerleader around and he's been moving forward in your sign since mid-July. In other words, Pisces, your sixth house is lit up this month.
If you're looking for a new gig, it's time to get serious about making your next move. If you've got a job that you like, you may have the opportunity to find a lucrative side hustle. We're not suggesting you'd fall for them, but be on your guard for pyramid schemes. After all, your money planet, Mars, is retrograde until 27th August. With all this money- and work-related activity, you may feel the need to cushion your income. Don't let it stress you out. Instead, keep a journal of your career ideas and start a jar for spare change.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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