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There's no shortage of bad news around Brexit – just look at what happened yesterday with Northern Ireland – and all the doom and gloom seems to be getting to us. More than half (52%) of the British population, including those who voted Leave, now reckons the country will get a bad Brexit deal, according to a new survey of more than 2,000 people. This marks a substantial jump up from 37% in February.
Noticing this prevailing sense of Brexit dread in the media, writer and journalist Caitlin Moran thought it was worth at least trying to redress the balance. She put a callout for positive Brexit news on Twitter – and the responses didn't do much to allay anyone's fears.
Is there a separate media bubble which is all good news about Brexit? Because I'm definitely in the one where it looks like a total fucking shambles.
— Caitlin Moran (@caitlinmoran) December 6, 2017
In the interests of balance - and providing much-needed cheery news - I'm totally happy to RT any good news about Brexit. All the sexy stats about how ace it will be. Hit me!
— Caitlin Moran (@caitlinmoran) December 6, 2017
"Is there a separate media bubble which is all good news about Brexit? Because I'm definitely in the one where it looks like a total fucking shambles," she asked. "In the interests of balance - and providing much-needed cheery news - I'm totally happy to RT any good news about Brexit. All the sexy stats about how ace it will be. Hit me!"
Someone thought "Brexit" could at least be a useful addition to the Scrabble dictionary.
All I've got is "It's a really good word for Scrabble players"
— Pat Harkin (@dwauctioneer) December 6, 2017
In theory, others chimed in, Nigel Farage could now just refrain from existing. Hey, we can all dream.
Theoretically there's no reason for Nigel Farage to exist anymore? I assume the he'll be returned to the hell dimension from which he spawned at some point.
— Richard Milner-Watts (@rmilnerwatts) December 6, 2017
Suspect he’ll just be more of a tit in the UK instead
— Ian Davies (@iandavies_) December 6, 2017
Anyone up for a spot of collective vegetable picking? Once we get rid of all the useless immigrants there'll be a shedload of jobs going. Because we all know that's all immigrants have ever contributed to British society, right? The NHS will be absolutely fine post-Brexit. Ahem.
Team spirit as we pick our own cabbages
— Tony Jackson (@JacksonT0ny) December 6, 2017
A chance for our youngsters to finally break into the lucrative East Anglian fruit picking job market
— Moira Fenwick (@MrsMoiraFenwick) December 6, 2017
Erm. I’m led to believe we’ll get all our jobs back
— Duff Battye (@DuffBattye) December 6, 2017
There'll be now more "EU meddling" in the shape of our bananas. Hoorah! (Despite that fact bananas were never banned because of their shape – curvy or straight).
— Panini Cheapskates (@CheapPanini) December 6, 2017
It may bring about a social collapse in the UK, but at least we'll all have the chance to look like a hot Tom Hardy or Charlize Theron à la Mad Max. Swings and roundabouts, amirite?
It will bring about total economic collapse in the UK and precipitate Mad Max Times so you can finally wear that sexy leather halter you’ve had your eye on
— Michael Moran (@TheMichaelMoran) December 6, 2017
Queues to get in and out of the country will get longer. A perfect opportunity to get to know our fellow countrymen and women.
Well I’m British and LOVE queueing so I’m going to be ecstatic about how much time it is going to take to get in and out of the country, oooh lovely queues! Unless you travel via Ireland in which case you’ll be able to waltz into the country! #biggestwasteoftimeEVER!
— anyoneforbaileys (@DavidBailey1975) December 6, 2017
Some people were just scraping the barrel with their suggestions.
I'd like a soft breakfast please with extra toast
— Siobhan NicChumhaill (@Siobhan2culture) December 6, 2017
Post-brexit, we won't constantly talk about how shit Brexit will be. We'll be living it instead #goodnewsBrexit
— Aline Reed (@AlineReed) December 6, 2017
While others had nothing.
— Gemma Brown (@GemmaBrown82) December 6, 2017
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