This week, we must slow down in order to speed up. Last Friday, Mercury went retrograde for the third time this year. Have you secured your online accounts? On the bright side, we’re finally feeling those winter aesthetics, thanks to Venus going direct late last week.
Get into an ambitious mood on Sunday morning when the moon moves from Pisces to Aries. On Monday, Mars and Jupiter square, lighting a fire under us and adding to that sense of momentum from the moon. On Tuesday night, the moon enters Taurus, reminding us to pace ourselves.
When Thursday arrives, allow yourself to relax when the moon spends all day void-of-course, not quite in Taurus and not quite in Gemini. Void-of-course moons are a time for stillness — if you try to do anything too grand or ambitious during one of these periods, your efforts may be wasted. Instead, spend this time recharging your emotional batteries. By Thursday night, the moon will move into communicative Gemini. Any ideas that you wanted to share earlier in the week will be better received on Friday and Saturday. You’ll feel inspired to speak on the 22nd when the sun makes his way into Sagittarius. Let your passions guide you!
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March 21 to April 19
Last week, two of your most essential planets, Mercury and Venus, made significant moves. Mercury, your planetary ruler of health and work, went retrograde, while Venus, your planet of love and money, began a direct course. The former needs you to reflect on how you can improve your efficiency — unfortunately for your go-getter sign, that likely means having to slow down and self-edit. Make time to work on your daily tasks and put anything that is unnecessary on hold. Don’t push yourself too hard while Mercury is retrograde, dear Aries. Taking mental and physical breaks is integral for inner growth.
Venus’ direct course will help you reevaluate what you need from your relationships, but wait until Mercury goes direct next month to voice your fully formed ideas.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
April 20 to May 20
It’s not so easy to change your mind, but it’s not impossible, Taurus. Last Friday, your ruling planet, Venus, went direct in Libra, the sign of peace and friendship. If you need to make a compromise, it will be much easier for you to understand an opposing perspective now that Venus has broken free from its retrograde. This newly open-minded attitude could prove especially useful when it comes to conversations about money.
Looking for an answer about your cash flow? The info you need is out there, but you'll have to be patient. Mercury, your financial planet, went retrograde last week. These next three weeks will see you revising your approach to spending. Take notes.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
May 21 to June 20
Last week, a Pluto-Sun sextile stirred you with ambition, Gemini. But this week, your self-confidence may feel a little shaken, thanks to Mercury's current retrograde. You could feel suddenly anxious to present your newest ideas at work or school, but that doesn't mean you should shy away from sharing your vision for the next three weeks. The best way to approach your ruling planet's current Rx is to quadruple-check everything. Get fresh eyes on every speech, document or project that you intend to share with others. Their input will remind you just how great your ideas really are.
The moon waxes to fullness in your sign on Friday, stirring up your desires for advancement. Take a moment to sort out your needs from your wants to find peace — and a plan.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
June 21 to July 22
Have you been feeling a little off, Cancer? Last week, Mercury, your personal planet of spirituality, went retrograde. Usually, the messenger planet helps you regain your centre, but when he's in his backward motion, you can't help but feel like you're going in reverse, too. Tuck your little crab claws into your shell and ride the wave for the next three weeks.
You'll find comfort in home improvement projects this week, now that Venus is direct. After spending six weeks in a backward motion, she’s ready to begin to help you make all the right moves around the house and in your closest relationships. On Thursday, get out and explore your 'hood when Sagittarius season begins. You’ll feel positively invigorated!
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
July 23 to August 22
You’re a natural entertainer, Leo. Your ability to charm others is second to none, but this talent doesn’t come to you by chance — it comes from practice. Sometimes, a joke doesn’t land, or a sentence doesn’t come out right. You’re able to shake it off and know that, next time, you'll hit your punchline perfectly. Mercury’s most recent retrograde is here to remind you that those tiny moments of "failure" are what lead to real progress.
This week, work with the communication planet rather than against it. For the next three weeks, it may be difficult to express yourself, so stick to saying less. In the process, you could learn a lot about the benefits of listening. Then, get ready for good vibes on Thursday. Your planetary ruler, the sun, moves into friendly Sagittarius. You’ll feel rejuvenated by the influence of your fellow fire sign, so prepare yourself for adventure!
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
August 23 to September 22
Are you breathing a sigh of relief this week, Virgo? After six weeks of retrograde, your financial planet, Venus, is moving forward and, in turn, she's ready to help you make some serious progress, too. If you’ve been waiting for funding or a loan, you’ll now be able to secure a sound plan of attack for the next year and a half.
Last week, your ruling planet, Mercury, began his last retrograde of the year. The messenger planet is in charge of the success you see in your career and ambitions. At the beginning of the week, consider how your goals at work could benefit from a simpler schedule. Target time sucks and remove at will! Relax at home with your family this weekend when Mercury and Jupiter enter your fourth house of home and family.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
September 23 to October 22
You’re more than ready to attack your responsibilities this week, Libra! Mars will help you tap into your inner Tasmanian Devil at work, thanks to his placement in your sixth house. Since the action planet is also your planetary ruler of love, you may find room for romance at your place of work.
Are you single and ready for fun? Follow your intuition (and animal instincts). In a relationship? Bring your confidence to the forefront and seduce your partner with a nostalgic outing. On Friday, your financial planet, the moon, waxes full in Gemini, inspiring candid conversations about your cash flow.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
October 23 to November 21
Strategic Scorpio, you're able to see past almost any obstacle! This superpower can also help you navigate Mercury retrogrades better than anyone else. Sheer willpower and cunning observation will serve you well for the next three weeks. The messenger planet is completing his third retrograde of the year. Pay attention to how everyone reacts during this period — doing so will help you navigate any sticky situations that come your way, especially conflicts that crop up at work.
Late last week, Venus, your planetary ruler of love, began moving direct after retrograding for six weeks. Single or attached, the next 18 months are here to help you form a meaningful connection with romantic partners. On Monday, Mars and Jupiter form a square to help you ignite an idea!
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
November 22 to December 21
It’s time for some personal reflection, Sagittarius. Mercury, your personal planet of love, started its third retrograde of the year last week. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, the messenger planet will help you uncover some hard truths that you may have hidden from yourself.
For the next three weeks, focus on defining what you need to create a healthy relationship. Set boundaries, open up and figure out what works best for you. Late last week, Venus, your personal planet of health and work, went direct. Her inspiring energy will help you enter Sagittarius season in style (the sun enters your first house of self this Thursday).
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
December 22 to January 19
Venus went direct last week, Capricorn. That should be music to your ears considering that the planet of beauty rules your house of career! It’s time to start climbing that mountain of work again, which is where you excel. Look back on the past six weeks and dig up the gems of knowledge that came out of the challenges that came your way. How can you apply those lessons now? Don't forget to focus on the positive results from this retrograde. Doing so will help you regain your confidence.
Mercury, your personal planet of health and work, went retrograde last week. The communication planet wants you to slow down and take it easy. While you're chilling out, rev up your strategy. Find a quiet place to think about your next professional move. Spend time on Friday with your favorite person while your love planet, the moon, is full.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
January 20 to February 18
If you can make small changes to your everyday routine now, you’ll be in great shape by Friday, Aquarius. Of course, your healthy glow could have something to do with the full moon. Your personal planet of health and work is waxing all week to help you shine. Spend time with friends this week as Jupiter, the planet of luck, inhabits your 11th house of friendship. Everyone will be keen to learn your secrets on Friday thanks to the aforementioned full moon in Gemini.
Mercury is retrograde, but that won’t hold you back from having a great week. If you want to feather your nest this weekend, Venus will have your back. She went direct last week to help you find a perfect place for everything in your house. With a little work, your living space will really feel like home.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
February 19 to March 20
Last week, Mercury began his third and final retrograde of the year. The messenger started moving through your 10th house of career this month, and now it moves backward. Take this opportunity to review the parts of your job that you’d like to improve the most. Or spend some time rethinking the ideas that you may have left on the drawing board.
When Mercury goes direct in three weeks, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture, Pisces, and you'll have a clear plan in your head. Jupiter, the planet of luck, moved into your 10th house of career earlier this month, and the sun will join him in that house on Thursday! If you see an opportunity, take it.
Illustrated by Abbie Winters.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?