How Lavender Can Help Relieve Your Anxiety
For many years lavender, the purple shrub loved by grandmas everywhere, has been hailed as a wonder plant for its supposed ability to help heal, clean, and induce sleep. Now a study has gone one step...
View ArticlePeople Are Paying £8K For Sleep Coaches — & We're So Tired
Today in absurd wellness services that people will pay boatloads of money for, the New York Post reports that some very tired, very rich people are paying "sleep coaches" thousands of dollars simply to...
View ArticleI Wore A Different Vest Every Day For A Week & Now I'm Converted
"I’ll Try Anything Once" is my favourite song by Julian Casablancas – and my style philosophy as of late. I’ve been swan diving into trends that I never thought I would wear, and to my surprise, many...
View ArticleSuspiria Is The Only Witch Hunt Worth Talking About
There’s a lot of guilt in Luca Guadagnino ’s remake of Dario Argento’s 1977 horror classic, Suspiria, a burden of shame borne by a nation, Germany, that not so very long ago, heeded Hitler’s call to...
View ArticleThis Is The 2018 Way To Do Go-Go Boots
Just as low-rise jeans and denim Dior embody the early noughties, and grunge-inspired flannels with ripped-up mom jeans (think Tai from Clueless) embody the '90s, the go-go boot epitomises the '60s....
View ArticleI Went To Gay Conversion Therapy & This Is What It Did To Me
Gay conversion therapy is a recurring topic worldwide. In the UK, it was recently announced that the government plans to ban the practice as part of an initiative to improve the lives of those in the...
View ArticleExplosive Devices Found In Mail Sent To Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama
The US Secret Service has found explosive devices in both former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former president Barack Obama's mail, the New York Times reported.The agency said it "has...
View ArticleGisele on Modelling At 14, Leaving Victoria’s Secret & #MeToo In Fashion
Soon after Gisele Bündchen started modelling at 14 years old, she worked 350 days a year. During fashion month, she would typically walk six shows a day, go to fittings until dawn, and then get up at 6...
View ArticleShould We Trust Rose IV You? A Beyoncé Mystery
If you open your Instagram app, close your eyes, and hold your phone up to your ear, you might hear a small buzzing sound. This is the sound of the Beyhive, curiously activated around a new IG account...
View ArticleThe World's Hottest Fashion Brand Right Now
Global fashion search platform Lyst has revealed its quarterly trend report, naming the most coveted brands and products of the season and breaking down the data behind the shopping habits of more than...
View ArticleNetflix's New Thriller Is Ideal For A Quiet Place Fans
Netflix saw how much you all liked A Quiet Place and said to themselves, "If it ain't broke, then just tweak a tiny part of it and make it again." The streaming site just dropped the trailer for a new...
View ArticleRead This Before Bleaching Your Hair
Photographed by Jens Ingvarsson.Anyone who has ever hoped to achieve Daenerys Targaryen-style bleached-blonde hair is intimately familiar with just how long, arduous, and damaging the process can be....
View ArticleA Young Woman In Yemen On What's Happening & Why You Should Care
Half of the population of Yemen is at risk of famine and relying entirely on humanitarian aid to survive, the UN warned this week. People are struggling to access food, clean water and sanitation due...
View Article3 Women Of Colour On Using Skin Lightening Products
Pretty much every woman wants clear, glowing skin. But for many women of colour, a flawless complexion often equals light skin – a belief that can lead to the dangerous practice of skin lightening or...
View ArticleSally4Ever Is The Filthiest Thing On TV Right Now
It's about time we had a disgustingly funny TV show to lift our increasingly gloomy nights in, don't you think? Enter Julia Davis – a gift to television and the reason for that pleasantly painful...
View ArticleHere's What To Do With All The Stuff You've Bought & Never Worn
When minimalist blogger Jessica Williams tells me about her years of binge shopping, I know exactly what she means. I too would get home from a long day's work, have a glass of wine, put on the TV and...
View ArticlePremature Babies Are Tough - So Why Do You Get Less Maternity Leave?
Catriona Ogilvy was getting out of bed on a summer morning when, 30 weeks pregnant, her water suddenly broke. There had been no signs her first son would come prematurely but within a few hours, Samuel...
View ArticleWe Asked 5 Women How The Contraceptive Pill Affected Their Skin
According to recent research, adult acne is on the rise. In fact, a 2015 study concluded that women are five times more likely than men to be affected by the skin issue in later life, and this is no...
View ArticleThe Never-Ending Winter Debate: Tights Or Bare Legs?
Around this time every year, as surely as the leaves will fall from the trees and soup once again seems like a viable (read: non-sweat-inducing) lunch option, comes the age-old dilemma: to brave bare...
View ArticleHow To Get Rid Of Hormonal Acne, According To Top Dermatologists
Whether you have to contend with the odd blinder of a chin spot, a cheek full of deep zits (why do they always congregate on one side?) or a forehead rash of whiteheads, acne can be a scourge, and...
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