The Biggest Recycling Mistakes You've Been Making
If you resolved to start recycling more this year, there’s a chance you’ve been doing it wrong. According to a recent survey by Anglian Home Improvements, although the majority of people are doing...
View ArticleYoung, Female & Addicted To Legal Pills
The news has been awash with reports and investigations recently exposing the perils of drugs bought and used illegally: From reports of teens ordering Xanax and diazepam on the dark web and social...
View ArticleBlogger's Hoax Disneyland Trip Proves How Easy It Is To Fake It On Instagram
Most of us accept an element of visual trickery, or at least dishonesty, as par for the course on Instagram. Indeed, you might be guilty yourself of airbrushing out a spot from a smoking hot selfie,...
View ArticleClear Some Space On Your Bathroom Shelf For This Multipurpose Skincare Saviour
Your skin goes through a lot every day. A haphazard morning cleanse. A layer (or two) of makeup. A veil of smog as you commute to work, where the chill outside strips you of moisture and the heating...
View ArticleThe 6 Colours To Invest In For Spring
Trends may come and trends may go, but certain seasonal tentpoles remain. Where winter is laden with black coats and leather boots (no matter how much effort we put in to dressing otherwise), spring is...
View ArticleMonki's Honest Swimwear Campaign Is The Body Positive Movement We Need
Happily, body positive campaigns and imagery are becoming increasingly common among high-street fashion brands. Retailers including Missguided and Asos have won praise for showcasing women of all body...
View Article10 Things An Ikea Designer Would Buy For A Small Space
Ikea has been a mainstay in our homes for pretty much our entire adult lives. The unbeatable prices are reason enough to keep coming back, but above all, the brand just seems to get us — and all the...
View ArticleMeet One Of The Teen Activists Leading The Gun Control Movement
Lane Murdock, 15, considers herself a first-time activist, but it seems she's always had a revolutionary spirit."When I was younger, I would often write up very small petitions at my school for things...
View ArticleBreaking Down The Complex Sexual Dynamics Of Netflix's On My Block
Warning: Light spoilers ahead for On My Block.The On My Block cast knows exactly where the roots of their Netflix high school comedy, premiering Friday, March 16, come from. “ Sixteen Candles. Anything...
View ArticleThe Difference Between Being Distracted & Having ADHD
The understanding that high-achieving students turn to drugs like Adderall and Ritalin to get ahead academically is so well-documented that the stereotype has made its way onto TV shows like Riverdale...
View Article"Maybe It's All In My Head": The Horror Film About Gaslighting Women
“There’s nothing we can do unless you have proof that a crime’s been committed.” This is what a police officer says, in a calm and unshakeable drawl, to a worried mother in Unsane. Her daughter,...
View ArticleFinally, A Book Dedicated To Diverse Plus-Size Street Style
Inspiration, creativity and great fashion sense come in all shapes and sizes, and Bethany Rutter's book Plus+ is here to prove it. The London-based fashion blogger and fat activist (formerly of Arched...
View ArticleScientists Have Found A Way To Dye Hair Without Any Damage
When I was 15 years old, my aunt told me to never dye my hair. "It'll never be the same again," she said. "You'll damage it beyond repair." Although her scare tactic wasn't entirely sound, there is...
View ArticleThis Woman 'Queer Eyed' Her Boyfriend & It's Hilarious
Can you believe? At this point, Netflix's Queer Eye revival has surely become the surprise TV hit of 2018. We've laughed, cried and rejoiced at the news that standout contestant Tom is now back...
View ArticleThis Is How Many People Who Did Veganuary Actually Stayed Vegan
Even if you swerved Veganuary this year, you probably know someone who gave the challenge a go. Veganism isn't for everyone, as food writer Ruby Tandoh has explained so brilliantly, but it's undeniably...
View ArticleThe Eye Cream That Delivers 8 Hours Of Sleep In A Pump
There's a man out there who just turned 105 and swears it's because he adds a shot of whiskey to his tea every morning. Which sounds fun and all, if only my track record with Jack Daniels didn't always...
View ArticleHow ‘Pretty Privilege’ Feels For Trans Women
I didn't encounter the words 'feminised' or 'feminisation' until I started transitioning. Yet currently, both words occupy quite a few media inches, in reference to those who have had feminising...
View ArticleThat Ad About Slapping Rihanna Cost Snapchat £570 Million
On Thursday, Rihanna showed the world that domestic violence is no joking matter when she called out an offensive advertisement with serious results. Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, experienced...
View ArticleThis Is The UK's Best Place To Live, According To An Expert Panel
York has been named "the best place to live in the UK" by a panel of experts.The historic walled city, which has a population of around 150,000 people, topped a list compiled by The Sunday Times. The...
View ArticleThis 'Instagram-Powered Restaurant' Will Choose Your Food For You
Are you an indecisive diner who drives your friends to distraction by spending an age choosing from a menu? Or, are you someone who picks the exact same thing every time you eat out, then regrets it...
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